Birth Records Retrieval and Counselling Service

You may have wondered how best to go about finding your birth records…

Many adopted people locating their files tell us that finding birth records is very hard and frustrating work.

illustration showing one person supporting another

Don’t worry though, help is at hand…

Joanna North Adoption offer a service to help support you through this process.

If you need to find your birth records, we are here to help!

Along with our Associate Social Worker we are now able to offer the service to retrieve your birth records from the Appropriate Adoption Agency and engage in the process of feedback and passing them to you. 

Why find my birth records?

Finding your birth records enables you to have a deeper understanding of every aspect of your adoption and to feel confident that you have located all the original paperwork. 

Birth Records Counselling

By law the process of finding your birth records should also include birth records counselling for those adopted prior to 1975 and is considered best practice for adoptions of this era. A Social Worker with relevant experience has to take receipt of the documents and give you your background information, this may include original documents. This is to protect you from any unknowns and to buffer any surprises in the experience. We do not charge for the counselling but our service fee is for the process of locating, requesting, chasing and retrieval. 

See our post about Birth Records Counselling here.

Why use our new service?

Many adopted people locating their files tell us that this is very hard frustrating work. We have the experience, knowledge and practice to push the process forward for you. We will keep you informed on every step of the journey and our skilled practitioners are there to support you.

More questions?

If you have more questions or would like to discuss our new birth records retrieval services please get in touch: