Publications by Dr Joanna North

My Latest Book:

Mind Kind – Your Child’s Mental Health

This book is written to address the complex task of being a parent today with the aim of helping parents to sustain well-being and positive mental health for their children. It is also written with the goal of raising awareness of common psychological health issues and how to manage them in children.

You can order your copy of Mind Kind directly from David Wright at our office by emailing or you can buy either the Kindle Version or Paperback from Amazon.

How To Think About Caring For a Child with Difficult Behaviour. Watershed Publishing. 2010

This book was adapted from my Doctoral research and published in 2010. It is a book written to help foster carers, adoptive parents, child carers and parents and teachers to understand some of the key principles of disruption to a child’s behaviour that is caused through relational stress and dysfunctional family dynamics that have culminated in trauma and distress.  This book has sold over 1,500 copies and is very popular with fostering and adoption agencies who order it by the dozen to help their substitute carers. It is written in plain English with a focus on compassion and understanding as well as helpful information to support the wellbeing and mindfulness of parents with complex behavioural and emotional difficulty.

This book is available on Amazon or directly from David Wright at our office.

You can view a preview of the book here.

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How to Think About Caring for a Child with Difficult Behaviour

Mindful Therapeutic Childcare. Jessica Kingsley Publishing 2014

 This book offers tons of up to date thinking and information on the field of mindfulness and particularly guides carers on how they can manage their own minds before they try to manage the minds of children they care for. Reviewed by David Howe, Professor of Social Work at the University of East Anglia, it is described as a celebration of the work of Dan Siegel who has provided us with so much information on the field of neuroscience and the impact that neurology has on our relationships, especially with those in our closest relationships and our interpersonal neurobiology.   The book offers a model for reflective practice called ‘The Reflective Practice Pentagon’ as a way to encourage practitioners and carers to think broadly and mindfully about the children they care for. Available on Amazon, one review suggested that you ‘buy, beg, borrow or steal a copy as soon as possible.’

Mindful Therapeutic Care for Children

Publications by Jo North