
Non-Violent Resistance Training

Responding to Child-to-Parent Violence
For families where young people are violent/abusive towards their parents/carers

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Non-Violent Resistance (NVR)

My NVR courses run continuously throughout the year and these can be paid for through the Adoption Support Fund. There is room for ten individuals to join the group at a time and they run for ten weeks. So Local Authorities from all over the U.K. can place a family in need at the allocated time at the cost for only one family rather than paying for the whole group. Please contact me for the dates of the next course.

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What is NVR?

NVR was developed by Haim Omer from the University of Telaviv as a response to child to parent violence and the focus is on therapeutic support and psycho educational intervention which involves the parents only without the necessity to work directly with the child. The goal of NVR is a shift in emphasis to influencing a change in the relationship between the parent and the child and increasing positive parental presence and increasing parental authority in the child’s life. It is an evidenced based, short term systemic and effective intervention that enhances the protection and safety of all family members. The work of Haim Omer also corresponds with my own Doctoral Thesis on developing parental presence in the complex relationship.



Parents say that the NVR course helps them change the dynamics of violence within their home, helping them to feel empowered and confident by insisting that violence in the home will cease. It is not a quick fix but teaches enduring, mindful responses that increase parental authority and presence without resorting to control or engaging in the downward spiral that violent coercive children bring when they feel out of control and uncontained.


This training will be delivered by Zoom and can take up to ten participants at a time.

The training runs for Ten weeks. Each session will be for one and a half hours and sessions can be held in the evenings or during the day in order to accommodate the busy lives of parents.

Dr. Joanna North will deliver the training and develop the schedule to support the needs of the participants.

Mind Kind Podcast episode discussing NVR

Listen here to the Mind Kind Podcast episode where Jo North discusses ways to deal with violence in children and young people with special guest Avremi Rosenberg including:
